Sonntag, 20. März 2011


 the fluffy jacket!

 The Camaro!
 Dress jacket

This is a real nice light a fluffy spring jacket!

Girls Pants!

Comfy pants!
Khaki pants!
Corduroy pants


Ohh brand name fashion!
Dress slacks!

Mail me for sizes!

green silky shirt for her

Really nice green shirt for her.  Looks great on top of black jeans.  very summery@!


Size 41
Size 39
Between 36 and 37

yes, lots of shoes!

cute black skirt

This is a super cute black shirt from Street One!  Just in time for spring!

black boots

Size 39
More boots!  These are black, with less of a heel.

Buffalo Boots!

Size 39

Sexy Bufallo Boots!  Big heal, little to no wear - and yours for cheap!

Camaro jacket!

Almost as nice as the car!  Winter may be over, but it is still freaking cold outside.  This will keep you warm on the cheap!

Dress shirts

Snazy dress shirt for him, or even her!

Hugo Boss silk shirt

A super comfortable silk shirt for a super brand name!